Boutique style yoga - small class sizes, personal attention, and a meditative learning environment.
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And here we are!!!
Come in and check us out!
Coming to Class
New Students
If you are coming to yoga class for the first time, congratulations! Yoga is an awesome way to keep your body and your mind connected, flexible, and in shape.
For your first visit, please arrive a few minutes early, as there is a form we would like you to fill out at the front desk. We'll get you set up into our MindBody system, and you will be ready to go!
Hot Classes
Please bring a mat, towel, and water. We do have water breaks during all of the hot classes to make sure you stay hydrated. Filtered water is available, if you do not bring your own. If you don't have a mat, no worries!
It is very recommended that you do not eat right before a hot class. Depending on the exertion required, eating may disrupt your practice!
If you need to sit down or leave the room during any hot class, please feel free to do so. We want you to be comfortable and safe! :)
Unheated Classes
Please bring a mat and water. We have blocks, blankets, straps, and chairs for support if you are interested in using them, and they are readily available during class.
Even though your class is not heated, it is still recommended that you do not eat right before a class. You will be moving through postures that may make a full belly uncomfortable. If you ever need to sit down, or leave the room during class, please feel free to do so. If you ever feel uncomfortable in a posture, please feel free to back out of the posture and sit or lie on your mat. We want you to be comfortable and safe!
We Are Here to Serve You!
We want you to have the most positive yoga experience possible! If you are not sure which yoga class is right for you, just call or text. See you soon! :)